Carte blanche

making of
Casino Luxembourg  -  Forum d’Art Contemporain
16.09.2012 – 16.12.2012

La carte blanche (zäitweis) de Leonora Bisagno sera une soirée de contes et de rencontres autour du temps et de l’amitié, de la densité et de la dispersion.

Leonora Bisagno's carte blanche is dedicated to relation and encounters. It is about time and friendship, density and dispersion. Every story is a personal one, but still bound to all the other ones. Carte blanche (zäitweis) talks about perceptions and projections. Every story can traslate into another one, merge with others or simply expand.

For this evening she invited:
Pour cette soirée elle a invité:

Olga Pavlenko – x
Pier Luigi Tazzi – y
Gea Casolaro – z

(atelier de Leonora Bisagno, infolab, Ca(fé)sino)




Olga Pavlenko – x



I have accepted with pleasure Olga Pavlenko's invitation to be part of the editorial project X #01, a project that reflects on how time can be represented. On my part, I invited Olga to attend my soirée carte blanche at Casino Luxembourg Forum d'Art Contemporain in Luxembourg, where I will be producing a specific intervention for each of the 150 copies of the publication X.

As a part of the project Making of, I was invited to use the Casino Luxembourg as atelier for three months. Here, every day, I see, perceive and read, in every sense and every direction (behind and in front, inside and out), all art has been contemporary by Maurizio Nannucci.

Making of implies producing and exhibiting while it occurs, and in a more specific way evokes the "behind the scenes" aspect of the final production, often in a cinematographic product. First of all, the making of of this project takes place in front of the scenes. It is being observed while it is happening. The fact of being exposed while acting is the meaning of the project.
Due to the present continuous tense form, that includes both the instant and its duration, making of reveals the same feeling of being contemporary at all times so well expressed by Nannucci.

Carte blanche is an empty space. To give carte blanche is an act of confidence. Olga will bring the white paper from Florence, where I lived for several years before coming to Luxembourg and where Maurizio and Olga are living.

My intervention will have the following coordinates: it is about relationship. It is the moment in which we can give and take time, the time of being with someone else. It is the time in which we reflect upon the instant



Pier Luigi Tazzi – y


Pier Luigi Tazzi was invited to exchange and discuss with anyone interested in knowing him. Pier Luigi sat at the café in Casino Luxembourg and met several persons during the evening. Discussions concerned friendship, relations and art.

Pier Luigi Tazzi proposed to show a diaporama with images taken by the artist Kornkrit Jianpinidnan. The slideshow exhibits photos of Ray (nickname for Anuwat Rattanaphan), taken by Konkrit during the summer 2012 in Bangkok.





filmed by Thierry Besseling, courtesy Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'Art Contemporain




Gea Casolaro – z

Leonora Bisagno's atelier

Gea Casolaro spent the evening in Leonora's atelier. Without showing any of Leonora's works Gea gave her personal interpretations and perception on Leonora's artistic research.

In the atelier a video - sound installation of ultranature (ultranature 12) was projected on a wall.






click this image to see the video - sound installation of ultranature





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